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Looking for These 1/10th Gold Coins Empty Looking for These 1/10th Gold Coins

Mon Mar 20, 2023 11:37 am
I am only interested in Gold 1/10th Britannia's

The years I am looking for are


I Think there might be others going back ... But I am only interested in the ones that are 9999 not the 918 versions.

I can offer a trade if anyone has these I have 1 Canadian Maple 2018 and the following years in Britannia's
1- 2014
2- 2015
4- 2018
3- 2019

I just want to get a full date run when they started making these in pure 9999 gold. If anyone can help out that would be awesome. All deals will be sent with Special Delivery, and Insurance!

Thank you.


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