The Precious Metal Forum
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Join date : 2021-05-08
Location : England UK

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Tue Mar 22, 2022 2:45 pm
As set out in the Directory post, here is a section where members can add their reviews of the dealers in the Directory. Naturally, there are rules to ensure consistence and fair play. There is no particular format for posting here, unlike the Directory, but a succinct review is likely to be more helpful.
1. The member making the review must have actually used the dealer in question and the review must refer to an actual transaction.
2. the Forum is not endorsing any of the dealers who may be listed, and the posting of a review does not imply any approval or agreement of that review on the part of the Forum. The Forum will not assist in any disputes between reviewer and dealer, and there will be no inter-member comeback if someone relies on a review and is disappointed with the transaction.
3. Please bear in mind laws against defamation! Anyone can have an off day, and a good, reputable dealer may be involved in an occasional unsatisfactory transaction. Any comments that the Admin team consider to be defamatory or offensive will be deleted without notice.
4. Decisions of the Admin team are final.

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