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Silver shortage, Empty Silver shortage,

Mon May 17, 2021 4:00 pm
Is there really a Silver shortage at the minute?
Please join me in a discussion here and also tomorrow on my YouTube livestream .

My thoughts will be talked about tomorrow, but let me know by replying to this your thoughts ahead of tomorrows video.
Rod Panhard
Rod Panhard
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Silver shortage, Empty Re: Silver shortage,

Sat May 29, 2021 9:16 am
If there is a shortage it will never be admitted to, in much the same way banks run on confidence and that scene in the BIg Short where the CEO is up on stage telling everyone everything is fine as text messages are coming in about his bank going under. It will be hidden until it simply cannot be hidden any longer, the fact there is a $14 premium on Silver Eagles rather than $1 or $2 tells us something is not right.
I'm hearing JP Morgan just made good on Comex delivery despite this not being a delivery month which is unheard of.

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Silver shortage, Empty Re: Silver shortage,

Sun May 30, 2021 11:33 pm
I think the "silver shortage" only applies to retail customers. There is still ample silver for industrial use.

Also, it is written in the COMEX terms and conditions that they are quote "not a source of silver" meaning that they can change the rules and do not have to make physical delivery. Buyers will be forced to accept cash instead of physical silver. This mainly applies to non-industrial customers, as they need to ensure industrial customers needs are met first.

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Silver shortage, Empty Shortage?

Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:30 pm
Short answer NO you cant squeeze a metal. Although there is some truth to that. I believe there is RECORD amounts of new younger aged investors/collectors or Just people realizing fiat is trash!

Anyhow is there a shortage of silver=?
NO BUT there is a shortage of available minted coins, Silver Blanks, and I believe some companies are just holding supply because they know its going to go up!
SIlver is abundant, its in a huge % of electronics. The pandemic really slowed down the production of some coins. Do not let the hype or FOMO (fear of messing out) exceed your budget etc. Alot of the people pumping the "shortage" are the ones selling massive amounts of bullion, There will ALWAYS be silver, and always buy from repeatable dealers/sites. Do your research

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Silver shortage, Empty Re: Silver shortage,

Sun Jul 04, 2021 5:28 pm
In short the easy answer is No, their is not a shortage of silver, but the reality is that the cost to mine it will always increase and it is subject to a market that is manipulated by the likes of Morgan Stanley, just look at the fines they received recently.

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Silver shortage, Empty Re: Silver shortage,

Sun Jul 04, 2021 6:00 pm
JP Morgan, not Morgan Stanley.... altho yes, MS has done some bad things too....

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Silver shortage, Empty Re: Silver shortage,

Sun Jul 04, 2021 6:34 pm
Your quite right its JP Morgans who received the fines for dodgy conduct. I stand corrected.

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Silver shortage, Empty Re: Silver shortage,

Fri Sep 03, 2021 9:38 pm
More gold then silver on the surface of the earth 60% of silver is used every year for industrial production it comes out of the ground 1gold to 8silver most silver is lost to landfills everyday!

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Location : England UK

Silver shortage, Empty Re: Silver shortage,

Sat Sep 04, 2021 2:20 pm
It is a sad fact, but people have no clue ( and rightly so, ) on how to refine precious metals from computers, electronics, and a host of equipment. If they did our landfills would be a fraction of what they are and the metals would have been recycled easily.

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