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germania mint -  Ostara Empty germania mint - Ostara

Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:13 pm
germania mint -  Ostara Screen35
Still undecided about this one. I do like the reverse

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:40 pm
I think the green works well with the silver. It looks classy and not overdone.

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Tue Dec 20, 2022 4:45 pm
[quote="ArcaneCollector"]I think the green works well with the silver. It looks classy and not overdone. [/quote
I think it's one that's gonna grow on me. Well I hope anyway

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Sat Dec 24, 2022 8:47 am
From Germania Mint with love . Lol

germania mint -  Ostara Screen32

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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Sat Dec 24, 2022 9:43 am
I think they should have given the wolf a red nose. rendeer

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Sat Dec 24, 2022 11:01 am
I agree, You never know. They may grant us a list of all their upcoming release dates for this coming year instead of the guesswork

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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Sat Dec 24, 2022 11:09 am
tray wrote: I agree, You never know. They may grant us a list of all their upcoming release dates  for this coming year instead of the guesswork

You're assuming that they know the dates lol!

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:50 pm
That is one lovely piece of art.

I assume it will command a decent premium?

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:04 pm
germania mint -  Ostara Screen36

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:24 pm
What is that? An out of focus hedgehog?

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:35 pm
ArcaneCollector wrote:What is that? An out of focus hedgehog?
I was thinking willow the wisp

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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:44 pm
Disney's Snow White chasing a pigeon.

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Thu Jan 05, 2023 4:45 pm
Anyone been to the world money fair in Berlin ?

Can you buy coins at the fair?

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Thu Jan 05, 2023 4:50 pm
SanMarino wrote:Anyone been to the world money fair in Berlin ?

Can you buy coins at the fair?

Sure you can buy at fair. I would love to go, definitely go if it comes to uk

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:11 am
Germania mint is sending me a contact so that I can buy the world of money fair coin direct from a dealer.


germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Fri May 12, 2023 2:30 am
Germania Mint always stops me in my tracks when continuing with a series of theirs.

Regarding the 2 oz UHR Valkyries, I got Hildegard which I absolutely love. And the wood case smells so good. Then Ostara came along and that put a stop on continuing with this series. First, Ostara has a bad nose job. Next is the green fairytale-like coloring. With Hildegard, the hint of blue was perfect. For Ostara, the coloring is too much. Lastly, the deer/elk needs to back up so that Ostara is the centerpiece. I know it's all subjective, but I'll pass on this one.

Did I mention that the wood case smells really good?
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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Fri May 12, 2023 10:01 am
Periodic Table wrote:Germania Mint always stops me in my tracks when continuing with a series of theirs.

Regarding the 2 oz UHR Valkyries, I got Hildegard which I absolutely love. And the wood case smells so good.  Then Ostara came along and that put a stop on continuing with this series. First, Ostara has a bad nose job. Next is the green fairytale-like coloring. With Hildegard, the hint of blue was perfect. For Ostara, the coloring is too much. Lastly, the deer/elk needs to back up so that Ostara is the centerpiece. I know it's all subjective, but I'll pass on this one.

Did I mention that the wood case smells really good?

Not sure where you live in the world, but if you like the smell of wood, I might have to create something special. I am due to spending some time on the lathe in the next month or 2 . And I do not know how far back you traced my history, but I also make some nice things if I say so myself out of wood. LOL

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Fri May 12, 2023 2:52 pm
Admin wrote:Not sure where you live in the world, but if you like the smell of wood, I might have to create something special. I am due to spending some time on the lathe in the next month or 2 . And I do not know how far back you traced my history, but I also make some nice things if I say so myself out of wood. LOL

I live in Virginia Beach, Va. and I really like the smell of the Valkyrie wood. It may be that Germania burned the runes into the wood to give it that special smell. I have your online store in my shopping folder for a possible silver or box purchase. But I only have 26 1/2 ounces of silver coins/rounds. Will need to build up my collection before I decide on a nice wooden box from you.

Many thanks as I continue to binge watch your videos. Cool
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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Fri May 12, 2023 3:01 pm
Periodic Table wrote:
Admin wrote:Not sure where you live in the world, but if you like the smell of wood, I might have to create something special. I am due to spending some time on the lathe in the next month or 2 . And I do not know how far back you traced my history, but I also make some nice things if I say so myself out of wood. LOL

I live in Virginia Beach, Va. and I really like the smell of the Valkyrie wood. It may be that Germania burned the runes into the wood to give it that special smell. I have your online store in my shopping folder for a possible silver or box purchase. But I only have 26 1/2 ounces of silver coins/rounds. Will need to build up my collection before I decide on a nice wooden box from you.

Many thanks as I continue to binge watch your videos. Cool

I dont do wooden boxes. I only make those 3d PLA boxes. I do however make some lovely pens... I have a few staves of Jack Daniels left and some military boards with certificates from the USN.. thanks to my contacts over there.

I also have wood from around the world. I started doing pens and other things before moving onto bullion. But I am due to make a few items for my website soon. Some will shock a lot of people. I spent a fortune on my set up in my workshop. It is geared up for anything with a motor. Woodworking and bullion working. This includes Gemstones and jewellery making. I have moved some of my equipment indoors for ease sake. I am up to 5 kilns, bottles and bottles of oxygen and propane. lots of one time use products and plenty of dreams.

I will let everyone know ahead of time when I plan on doing my next livestream pouring. I have to get a few things done first... And will set up everything .. it is a big task despite what it looks like LOL I am hoping it to be much better than my previous livestreams.


germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Fri May 12, 2023 3:31 pm
Admin wrote:
I dont do wooden boxes. I only make those 3d PLA boxes. I do however make some lovely pens... I have a few staves of Jack Daniels left and some military boards with certificates from the USN.. thanks to my contacts over there.

I also have wood from around the world. I started doing pens and other things before moving onto bullion. But I am due to make a few items for my website soon. Some will shock a lot of people. I spent a fortune on my set up in my workshop. It is geared up for anything with a motor. Woodworking and bullion working. This includes Gemstones and  jewellery  making. I have moved some of my equipment indoors for ease sake. I am up to 5 kilns, bottles and bottles of oxygen and propane. lots of one time use products and plenty of dreams.

I will let everyone know ahead of time when I plan on doing my next livestream pouring. I have to get a few things done first... And will set up everything .. it is a big task despite what it looks like LOL I am hoping it to be much better than my previous livestreams.

My mistake. The 2 X 1 Germania Beasts box that @tray posted on the silver forum looked wooden.

While I like vids on how things work, I don't want to see you take a chance on your spine with your live streams. I've seen pics of some of your equipment and for the most part, I don't know what I'm looking at. Embarassed Will keep track of your website.
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Age : 52

germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Fri May 12, 2023 3:47 pm
Just to confuse you It is a wooden box that ace done the inlay for me to hold my double capsules . So you were right

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germania mint -  Ostara Empty Re: germania mint - Ostara

Fri May 12, 2023 6:49 pm
tray wrote:Just to confuse you It is a wooden box that ace done the inlay for me to hold my double capsules . So you were right

Thanks for unraveling my confusion @tray. Very Happy
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