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People versus the Establishment?

Rod Panhard
The Cat's Mother
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People versus the Establishment? Empty People versus the Establishment?

Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:00 am
Looks like the battle is on in the UK, 2 World records this week:-

1) An all time high for the UK Gold price £1592, and

2) An all time high in the "Mafias" Casino, ie a FTSE all time high for the money printers.

Who will win the war the people or the criminals?

Come on the PEOPLE!

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The Cat's Mother
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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:08 am
"The battle does not always go to the strong, or the race to the swift. But that's the way to bet." Probable misquote from someone whose name escapes me. With that in mind, my money would be on the establishment.
Also, bear in mind that if the people won, they would become the establishment and behave just as badly.

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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Sat Feb 04, 2023 12:35 pm
TCM I love the way you think and the things you say.

The mouse won the race in the Chinese lunar 12 animals, it beat the Ox and the Tiger and the Pig was last.

The David and Goliath story in the bible also comes to mind. The West is trying to be the Goliath, but the rest of the Worlds people want their freedom from us 1.5 billion imperial westerners, who constantly manipulate the world for our benefit, at the expense of the other 6.5 billion people on the planet.

Our establishment is a handful of billionaires who think they know better than all of the 8 billion of us who live on our planet. Liz Truss thought PM of UK was a powerful position, she found out in only 4 weeks, that she was a puppet who had to obey the rules of the elites.

Our Deep State makes the rules, mostly American, they tell EU, Japan and UK what the narrative is so that our idiotic politicians don't stray from the story.

The Western Empire needs to die, to allow the rest of the World to get on and hopefully make a better World than we did in the last 400 years. It shouldn't be difficult when you look at our legacy surely. Forever Wars, Violence, Slavery, Colonisation, Genocide, Financialisation, you name it.

It is difficult for me to love our real history, that we did not write.

Come on David eh!

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The Cat's Mother
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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Sat Feb 04, 2023 1:18 pm
I'm not sure that the rest of the world is a lot better than us, when you look at what they got up to and what they get up to now. The west just had more opportunity and better tools.

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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Sat Feb 04, 2023 4:55 pm
I decided to go out to Stonehaven with my wife and walk by the sea and calm down a bit. It worked, we had fish and chips and a bunch of herring gulls stole an ice cream out of the hands of a young lady and ate it in seconds. We had never witnessed that happen before. Must have been very hungry.
We also saw 2 women swimming in the sea. Doing a Wim Hoff, then coming out and getting into a sauna fitted in a converted horse box. The air was being heated by a log burning stove. I bet they spent 30 minutes in the sauna to make up for the few minutes in the sea.
It worked I feel very calm again. Sorry for my rant.

Last edited by denby on Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:22 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : change water to air)

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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:51 pm
denby wrote:TCM I love the way you think and the things you say.

The mouse won the race in the Chinese lunar 12 animals, it beat the Ox and the Tiger and the Pig was last.

The David and Goliath story in the bible also comes to mind. The West is trying to be the Goliath, but the rest of the Worlds people want their freedom from us 1.5 billion imperial westerners, who constantly manipulate the world for our benefit, at the expense of the other 6.5 billion people on the planet.

Our establishment is a handful of billionaires who think they know better than all of the 8 billion of us who live on our planet. Liz Truss thought PM of UK was a powerful position, she found out in only 4 weeks, that she was a puppet who had to obey the rules of the elites.

Our Deep State makes the rules, mostly American, they tell EU, Japan and UK what the narrative is so that our idiotic politicians don't stray from the story.

The Western Empire needs to die, to allow the rest of the World to get on and hopefully make a better World than we did in the last 400 years. It shouldn't be difficult when you look at our legacy surely. Forever Wars, Violence, Slavery,   Colonisation, Genocide, Financialisation, you name it.

It is difficult for me to love our real history, that we did not write.

Come on David eh!

Er…I’m not sure that our future Chinese masters would do a better job. Goodbye freedom, same old corruption. Wars, violence, slavery, genocide are global and not just reserved for the West. And colonisation brought stability, infrastructure, government, medicine etc to the world. People focus on the negative and overlook all the good the Empire did. I am proud of our history, which must be read in the context of the time and not through the lens of today. The current problem is that corporations run the world. Pfizer, Blackrock, Google, Meta, Amazon and the Industrial Military Complex have more power than elected politicians.

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Rod Panhard
Rod Panhard
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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:01 pm
I'm afraid I don't have much faith in the people, they are too easily hoodwinked by fake media, fake polls and fake fact checkers all of which are owned by the control structure.  They frame the narrative and the vast majority of the people swallow it without question and although people are slowly waking up it's not fast enough.  Also nothing is ever going to get any better as long as there is the fake 2 party politcal system and the illusion of choice where both parties are completely bought and paid for and stacked with career politicians too interested in their own personal advancement, feathering their own nest and accruing as much wealth and power as they can rather than looking out for the genuine concerns of the people.  Here's a brown turd and here's a beige turd - now choose one.

I do think a multipolar world is preferable to a unipolar world and this "rules based interational order" is fine if you are the one making up the rules to suit you and to hamstring everyone else as you go along.
Something is occuring though and even if you can't put your finger on it everyone must realise by now something is off with the world and the cycle of pain and hardship is coming round again.

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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Sun Feb 05, 2023 6:51 am
Rod Panhard wrote:I'm afraid I don't have much faith in the people, they are too easily hoodwinked by fake media, fake polls and fake fact checkers all of which are owned by the control structure.  They frame the narrative and the vast majority of the people swallow it without question and although people are slowly waking up it's not fast enough.  Also nothing is ever going to get any better as long as there is the fake 2 party politcal system and the illusion of choice where both parties are completely bought and paid for and stacked with career politicians too interested in their own personal advancement, feathering their own nest and accruing as much wealth and power as they can rather than looking out for the genuine concerns of the people.  Here's a brown turd and here's a beige turd - now choose one.

I do think a multipolar world is preferable to a unipolar world and this "rules based interational order" is fine if you are the one making up the rules to suit you and to hamstring everyone else as you go along.
Something is occuring though and even if you can't put your finger on it everyone must realise by now something is off with the world and the cycle of pain and hardship is coming round again.

I agree 100%. Rod for President!

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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:31 am
Thanks for all your comments here. I was very angry with the world yesterday. You have all helped me get over my anger for now.
I usually forgive our sleeping people because I know they have had propaganda shoved down their throats for a hundred years on the BBC etc, etc.
As Michael Jackson used to say I love you all.
I do feel that as the people do wake up they will be very angry too.
Maybe I am sleeping too eh!

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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Tue Feb 07, 2023 11:48 am
I agree with Rod. The power of the people is only a thing after the situation has deteriorated to sheer desperation. We haven't reached that point yet in the West. I hope we can sort this mess out without having to go through an apocalypse. Apart from a pickaxe, I also carry a pitchfork. I just hope I don't have to use it.

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The Cat's Mother
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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:00 pm
Garden tools make the best weapons: I have a lovely steel claw on the end of a long pole that would sort out any apocalyptic zombies. It's also very good for weeding and preparing planting beds.  People versus the Establishment? 1f63d

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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Tue Feb 07, 2023 2:59 pm
Ok Rod for President, I shall be the body guard / Sniper.

Anyone object?

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The Cat's Mother
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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Tue Feb 07, 2023 3:13 pm
Blimey Jon, I reckon those photos are about as old as  @SilverTrader 's avatar. lol!

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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Tue Feb 07, 2023 5:13 pm
The Cat's Mother wrote:Blimey Jon, I reckon those photos are about as old as  @SilverTrader 's avatar. lol!

They are a bit old....


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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Sat Feb 11, 2023 8:42 pm
I wonder what sacrifices are needed to be made to fight the establishment. They're establishment for a reason.

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21C Bullion
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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Mon Mar 27, 2023 11:46 pm
denby wrote:Who will win the war the people or the criminals?

The criminals - They control the finance, politics, military, commerce, religion, media, etc.

The people are more asleep now (I hoped the 2008 crisis would have woken them up). Netflix, Deliveroo, easy access to credit has everyone chasing the path of least resistance.

Oh well, I'll keep buying bullion & stocks, might as well hedge my bets.

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21C Bullion
21C Bullion
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People versus the Establishment? Empty Re: People versus the Establishment?

Mon Mar 27, 2023 11:51 pm
The Cat's Mother wrote:I'm not sure that the rest of the world is a lot better than us, when you look at what they got up to and what they get up to now. The west just had more opportunity and better tools.

From my experience all white, black, brown & yellow people when given money & power get corrupted.
I've read 12,000 years of history - Seems to be a common thread of powerful people shitting on the weak.

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