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Join date : 2021-05-08
Location : England UK

Fake Arbe Kaya Cast Machine.  Empty Fake Arbe Kaya Cast Machine.

Sat Feb 11, 2023 9:39 am
Sadly I bought a fake! Yes I know. But I did not know it was a fake.

The manufacture is on my side and is going to issues yet another Cease and Desist letter to this company.

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Location : Northamptonshire

Fake Arbe Kaya Cast Machine.  Empty Re: Fake Arbe Kaya Cast Machine.

Sat Feb 11, 2023 5:28 pm
I really hope that PayPal reimburse you. I can see it still for sale on eBay. You should report the seller to eBay to have the item delisted. It’s ok to sell that machine, but not ok to brand it was a Kaya Cast. It should have a Chinese name and be half the price. Sorry that you keep getting screwed over. The car and now this!

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Posts : 569
Join date : 2021-05-25
Location : England UK

Fake Arbe Kaya Cast Machine.  Empty Re: Fake Arbe Kaya Cast Machine.

Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:06 pm
ArcaneCollector wrote:I really hope that PayPal reimburse you. I can see it still for sale on eBay. You should report the seller to eBay to have the item delisted. It’s ok to sell that machine, but not ok to brand it was a Kaya Cast. It should have a Chinese name and be half the price. Sorry that you keep getting screwed over. The car and now this!

The car and this hopefully will be sorted by the end of this month. That being said I am tired of scams and people stealing thousands!!!!
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