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A country for life?

Rod Panhard
The Cat's Mother
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A country for life?  Empty A country for life?

Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:59 pm
Read an interesting question tonight,

If you had to chose a country to live in for the rest of your life which is not your current country (so not the UK for me) which country and why?

Mine would be Spain purely for the weather and food.

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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Fri Feb 17, 2023 7:07 am
Australia. Same culture, they control their borders, have Perth Mint, and an abundance of quokkas. And they play cricket and rugby.

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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:34 am
South Africa, they have braaivlies, rugby, sunny skies and chevrolet, Springbok Radio. Krugerrands, and diamonds.

Sand, sea and s-x on Durban beach.

Boerevors, Castle and Lion beer, brandy & coke, and Cabernet Sauvingon Red wine too.

Whats not to like eh?

Lekker man, min days! Reminds me of a past life I must have had.

We used to pour our cold beers straight out of the can onto the barbecue to control the flames.

Those were the days my friend! What a great song that was too

Now you can all see for yourself what kind of man I used to be.

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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Fri Feb 17, 2023 9:40 am
I chose the UK.

Because of marriage. However, I can say I am lucky to havd not ended up in another Country LOL I won't get into that.

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The Cat's Mother
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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Fri Feb 17, 2023 2:10 pm
Well, I'm pretty used to England now, and I don't see any other part of the UK as being an improvement, so I'm content to stay put. I don't think I would be happy in Australia, the summers are way too hot for me (I've been there), I have no interest in sport, don't do beach culture and prefer to eat at a table inside. That's before you get to the toxic wildlife. Lovely place to visit, and fingers crossed for Spring 2024, but not for me to live there.
I love Madeira, but as an island it can be a bit isolated, so I would prefer mainland Portugal. Lovely people, great culture, wonderful scenery and the wine is fantastic (better than S Africa in my opinion). Food's good too. Downside is I'd have to learn Portuguese, which is not easy.
Joint favourite with Portugal would be Denmark. Copenhagen is my joint favourite city in the world. The people are friendly and speak wonderful English which would be a great help while I learn Danish. The country is that wonderful mixture of easy going and fantastically efficient. The cost of wine is a problem, but the food is good.

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Fri Feb 17, 2023 5:47 pm
Norway or Svalbard (if that's a country) - I'd be used to the cold climate and the crime rate is low. Oh, and there are polar bears in Svalbard Smile

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Fri Feb 17, 2023 5:54 pm
denby wrote:South Africa, they have braaivlies, rugby, sunny skies and chevrolet, Springbok Radio. Krugerrands, and diamonds.

Sand, sea and s-x on Durban beach.

Boerevors, Castle and Lion beer, brandy & coke, and Cabernet Sauvingon Red wine too.

Whats not to like eh?

Lekker man, min days! Reminds me of a past life I must have had.

We used to pour our cold beers straight out of the can onto the barbecue to control the flames.

Those were the days my friend! What a great song that was too

Now you can all see for yourself what kind of man I used to be.

As an ex-South African who lives in England, I choose Australia! lol!

Mainly as South Africa have 4 hours a day of no electricity, crime is terrible and the government is incompetent…unless it comes to corruption.

Durban Beach is now a no go area due to raw sewage outfalls.

However, if I had a time machine then SA in the 70/80’s would be a good choice.

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Rod Panhard
Rod Panhard
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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Fri Feb 17, 2023 6:21 pm
Not many countries have both personal and economic freedom these days, I might choose Singapore for the financial freedom and some parts of Mexico for the personal freedom.  The way the "Five Eyes" nations all went full retard during the scamdemic puts me off a lot of what would have been viable choices previously.

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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Fri Feb 17, 2023 6:24 pm
I like to visit everywhere but I've never lived anywhere other than the city I was born in. Couldn't find any reason to change it. 10 minutes I'm at a beach or the other way 10 minutes I'm on the moor

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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Fri Feb 17, 2023 9:10 pm
We all take our freedom for granted... yet I do not hear anyone stating they wish to move to Iraq or Iran, I lived in Russia but it was not great. I technically lived in a few countries. BUT seriously this is one of the better ones. Ok I miss America... I miss being in the middle of the sticks and relying on just me. That in fact is my dream. A log cabin and just me. NO internet. No Phone... just a rifle and side arm and knife. in a nice big cabin. Ok with my back I will need a butler to chop the wood. LOL

but that is a dream.

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Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:14 pm
Well I'm an American so I guess England since it will be the most similar.

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Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:50 pm
MisterNoName wrote:Well I'm an American so I guess England since it will be the most similar.


The thing that the UK and the USA have in common is English speaking.

Everything from words , phrases and spelling is totally different.

Here are some friendly things I can say online.. Pants = Jeans NOT underwear!

A Fanny pack... dont get me started.... I got evil looks when I joked with my sister before I got married in front of my father in law and said I would spank her.. ummm yeah.

Color is spelled Colour.

History, America apparently did not save the war. Despite all our history. And yes thats a big can of worms that you will get ragged about whilst over her. And expect to be called a YANK

there you go. LOL its been over 25 years and I swear I am still making mistakes all the time.

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The Cat's Mother
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Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:53 pm
You are @Admin , but don't worry, we'll never get tired of correcting you.

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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:54 pm
The Cat's Mother wrote:You are  @Admin , but don't worry, we'll never get tired of correcting you.
lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!

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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Thu Feb 23, 2023 2:19 pm
@MisterNoName how about Scotland? We speak English here too, and we have electricity in the Highlands despite what some folks believe Laughing

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The Cat's Mother
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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:12 pm
Bondie wrote:@MisterNoName how about Scotland? We speak English here too, and we have electricity in the Highlands despite what some folks believe Laughing

I'm saying nothing ....... lol! lol! lol!

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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:20 pm
Bondie wrote:@MisterNoName how about Scotland? We speak English here too, and we have electricity in the Highlands despite what some folks believe Laughing

I'll have to flip a coin!

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Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:46 pm
Bondie wrote:@MisterNoName how about Scotland? We speak English here too, and we have electricity in the Highlands despite what some folks believe Laughing

Ok I appreciate I am in DANGEROUS waters....

However being married to a Scottish lass.... having lived in Scotland for a wee while whilst getting myself sorted before we moved down to England.

I can say to @MisterNoName Stay as far away from Scotland as possible. lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! If offered a Glasgow Kiss... Pass and get ready to fight.

Pubs are open ( or were ) 24 hours a day. In Edinburgh I entered a bar that well at 5am after a 12+ hour drinking binge was um something that stays there!

And if you thought that a Texan's accent was noticable or a Canadians accent.. heck even a New Yorker..... forgert about it.
In Scotland they speak a language all to themselfs. Wee does not mean peeing !!!! It means small!
I ken .... is I understand or I know.

Ask a Scott to say Squirrel ( afro lol! afro ) funny as heck.... they put a D in it !!! I honestly can not stop teasing my wife over this...

right I am outta here... I might be hung , drawn and quartered if I am lucky.

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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Thu Feb 23, 2023 8:28 pm
@Admin lol!  I think you must have spent time in the Lowlands rather than the Highlands! I’ve honestly never heard a Scot from anywhere put a D in squirrel… you have made me chuckle though  lol!

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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:19 am
Bondie wrote:@Admin lol!  I think you must have spent time in the Lowlands rather than the Highlands! I’ve honestly never heard a Scot from anywhere put a D in squirrel… you have made me chuckle though  lol!

I did a lot oop north of Scotland..... but I was focused around Edinburgh, Sterling, and Bonnyrig

You can even see a video I shot from a drone in Lasswade Rugby club ( with permission ) before the goverment stepped in with rubbish rules.

But yeah a D in Squirrel. I ask her to say it all the time.

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Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:32 am
It would be good to see that video, if you’re able to share a link?
I still can’t get my head round the D in squirrel! Is it:
Something else?
@denby, have you heard of this strange phenomenon?  lol!

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Rod Panhard
Rod Panhard
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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:37 am
Bondie wrote:It would be good to see that video, if you’re able to share a link?
I still can’t get my head round the D in squirrel! Is it:
Something else?
@denby, have you heard of this strange phenomenon?  lol!

Surely it has to be Squiddell? I've never heard this one myself, it's not in the same league as purple burgalar alarm.

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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Fri Feb 24, 2023 10:02 am
@Rod Panhard, what’s purple burgalar? Not heard that one before!

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Rod Panhard
Rod Panhard
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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Fri Feb 24, 2023 10:03 am
It's too early in the morning for me, should be - burglar A country for life?  1f601

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A country for life?  Empty Re: A country for life?

Fri Feb 24, 2023 10:23 am
Yes, it’s a bit early for me too! I still don’t know what a purple burglar alarm is, but maybe that’s a good thing Laughing

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