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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Thu Mar 16, 2023 9:22 pm
What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Screen19
What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Screen19

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The Cat's Mother
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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty Re: What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:15 pm
You tell Oreo he's not doing his job properly, and there will be no treats until the squirrels have been "dissuaded" from following you round.

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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty Re: What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Sat Mar 18, 2023 6:19 am
Hide their nuts! Buy a .22 rifle? Or an ultrasonic squirrel scaring device?

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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty Re: What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Sat Mar 18, 2023 10:22 am
I hope they are not Red ones.

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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty Re: What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Sat Mar 18, 2023 12:23 pm
denby wrote:I  hope  they are not Red ones.

Absolutely not.

The red ones are protected which is why Grey Squirrels in the UK are vermin and are able to be dispatched on sight.

I know people love them, but in areas where Red Squirrels are around hunters and pest controllers are actively encouraged and paid in some areas to dispatch greys.

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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty Re: What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:49 pm
I tried to dispatch a grey. He kept visiting me at night. There is only so much probing a guy can take! But he escaped back to the mothership.

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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty Re: What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:43 am
ArcaneCollector wrote:I tried to dispatch a grey. He kept visiting me at night. There is only so much probing a guy can take! But he escaped back to the mothership.


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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty Re: What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Fri May 12, 2023 1:55 am
The only unwritten law I know of is that we'll allow squirrels and pigeons to defecate on our statues so long as they move off the street when we're driving by.

Otherwise, I don't feed wildlife.
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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty Re: What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Fri May 12, 2023 9:57 am
I have neighbours who feed the squirrels here and the foxes.

It is ok until your in your workshop at 3am and in walks a fox, looking at you like your in a strange place. LOL

we have one squirrel that is funny. The biggest thing I love is watching the bats fly at night. They are awesome. we have such a family of them it is a fun sight. I once ( along time ago ) had one land on my shoulder. then flew off like nothing happened.

See I am Batman!

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The Cat's Mother
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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty Re: What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Fri May 12, 2023 1:02 pm
I was watching a badger sniffing round on our neighbour's patio last night, and later on a hedgehog was doing the same. I hope they never meet. We also get roe deer, foxes, grey squirrels and bats; frogs and newts in the pond. Rats and mice we don't see, but the bodies are brought back on a pretty regular basis by Raffles, aka the Black Death. I hope to goodness that Chris Packham never finds out.

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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty Re: What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Fri May 12, 2023 2:09 pm
The Cat's Mother wrote:I was watching a badger sniffing round on our neighbour's patio last night, and later on a hedgehog was doing the same. I hope they never meet. We also get roe deer, foxes, grey squirrels and bats; frogs and newts in the pond. Rats and mice we don't see, but the bodies are brought back on a pretty regular basis by Raffles, aka the Black Death. I hope to goodness that Chris Packham never finds out.

Are you peeping over the fence at your neighbour’s porch?

A couple winters ago we over-wintered 8 baby hedgehogs in our lounge. The smell was terrible! We then released them in the spring. We have multiple hoggie boxes in the gardens. Oh, and a tub full of live mealworms to feed the robins. It’s a full time job feeding those two and their babies.

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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty Re: What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Fri May 12, 2023 2:14 pm
Admin wrote:I have neighbours who feed the squirrels here and the foxes.

It is ok until your in your workshop at 3am and in walks a fox, looking at you like your in a strange place. LOL

we have one squirrel that is funny. The biggest thing I love is watching the bats fly at night. They are awesome. we have such a family of them it is a fun sight. I once ( along time ago ) had one land on my shoulder. then flew off like nothing happened.

See I am Batman!

Funny about the fox's attitude and startling about the bat. Hey, you're Batman!

The Cat's Mother wrote:I was watching a badger sniffing round on our neighbour's patio last night, and later on a hedgehog was doing the same. I hope they never meet. We also get roe deer, foxes, grey squirrels and bats; frogs and newts in the pond. Rats and mice we don't see, but the bodies are brought back on a pretty regular basis by Raffles, aka the Black Death. I hope to goodness that Chris Packham never finds out.

You get a lot of wildlife coming through. Never seen a badger or a hedgehog.
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What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?  Empty Re: What do you do when Squirrels follow you everywhere you go?

Fri May 12, 2023 2:17 pm
TCM, we saw a baby roe deer walking down our street 2 nights ago, I followed it for a bit in my tartan pyjamas.

Hamish went with us too, cause he couldn't believe what he was smelling or seeing.

We have been here for 33 years and this was the first time we had seen a deer in our estate, never mind our own street.

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