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Commodities versus Indices. 1970 - 2021 Empty Commodities versus Indices. 1970 - 2021

Sun Aug 15, 2021 8:48 pm
Commodities versus Indices – Comparative 51-year return 1970 – 2021
*All data approximation. Does not imply a consistent yearly RETURN.
1)     GOLD (GBP).            RETURN + 8760 %
2)     PALLADIUM (USD)  RETURN + 6684 %
3)     S+P 500 (USD).        RETURN + 5273 %
4)     GOLD (USD)             RETURN + 5001 %
5)     DJI (USD).                 RETURN + 4615 %
6)     SILVER (GBP).          RETURN + 2420 % *
7)     FTSE 100 (GBP).      RETURN + 2389 %
Cool     SILVER (USD).          RETURN + 1404 %
9)     NIKKEI 225 (YEN).   RETURN + 1176 %
Platinum (USD).       RETURN + 821 %

SILVER (GBP) Based on average usd/gbp rate 1970.

And there are many who say ‘GOLD & SILVER are ‘relics’ of the past!!! :grin::ok_hand:
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