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Not precious metal but King Charles iii definitive coin set  Empty Not precious metal but King Charles iii definitive coin set

Fri Nov 17, 2023 2:22 pm
Ok it's overpriced, cupro-nickel but it's different, pretty, lovely designs and really good quality. couldn't find nothing wrong with them. still considering getting the set in silver. This set is overpriced for what it is, we expect that with the mint these days.but I like it. It was £33 pound plus p&p so brought it from Britannia same price free p&p came in two days Not precious metal but King Charles iii definitive coin set  Pxl_2133
Not precious metal but King Charles iii definitive coin set  Pxl_2134

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Not precious metal but King Charles iii definitive coin set  Empty Re: Not precious metal but King Charles iii definitive coin set

Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:56 pm
I just read about these new coins and find the set to be historic and attractive. King Charles' affinity for nature and wildlife is cool. Also, the special representative flora of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales is very thoughtful. Thanks for sharing this.
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