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Posts : 343
Join date : 2022-08-27
Age : 54
Location : The High Weald

Royal Mint silver part I: Brits & Royal Arms Empty Royal Mint silver part I: Brits & Royal Arms

Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:13 pm
Some Royal Mint silver - this time taken slightly off-axial with diffuse lighting and lighting from behind the coin to get a reflection off the edge.

Royal Mint silver part I: Brits & Royal Arms 2022_b10

Royal Mint silver part I: Brits & Royal Arms 2023_b12

Royal Mint silver part I: Brits & Royal Arms 2022_r10

The Cat's Mother, tray, AVG and monkey like this post

Posts : 79
Join date : 2023-11-23

Royal Mint silver part I: Brits & Royal Arms Empty Re: Royal Mint silver part I: Brits & Royal Arms

Tue Dec 05, 2023 1:16 pm
all these photos taken off-axle look superb! the slight angle really help bring out the detail and relief of the coins. Top work!

Are they a tweaked single shot, or have you compiled multiple images to produce one belta?
Posts : 343
Join date : 2022-08-27
Age : 54
Location : The High Weald

Royal Mint silver part I: Brits & Royal Arms Empty Re: Royal Mint silver part I: Brits & Royal Arms

Tue Dec 05, 2023 3:03 pm
monkey wrote:all these photos taken off-axle look superb! the slight angle really help bring out the detail and relief of the coins. Top work!

Are they a tweaked single shot, or have you compiled multiple images to produce one belta?

These aren't stacked, although the focal depth of the camera is being stretched. Some of the other oblique shots are stacked, for example the Durga I posted a couple of weeks ago.
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