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Join date : 2021-09-06

Silver prices before the hype Empty Silver prices before the hype

Tue Sep 07, 2021 4:04 pm
Hi All,

For the experience and long time stackers really.
Question regarding prices from bulliion dealers before year 2020.

So say 2019, if you was buying a tube of Britinnias so 25 1oz coins. If spot price was £14.00 was you expected to pay around
£19.20 per coin?

So £2 for premium (esitmate in my head) and the rest was VAT (£3.20).

Also I know before you can get vat free from europe but on the secondary market what was the norm for say a Britannia 1oz?
I assume the VAT loophole closed pushed the prices on the secondary market up too?

Reason I ask is to see what the norm is, so if going by todays prices.
spot £17.70 , £2 for premiums, then VAT is £3.94 so would you expect to pay £23.64 from bullion dealers?

So todays prices of around £25/£26 for 1oz brit is still high in your opinion?
Also secondary martket also close to bullion dealer prices it seems, is that the norm?

Any info is appreciated.


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Silver prices before the hype Empty Re: Silver prices before the hype

Wed Sep 08, 2021 7:16 am
Brexit killed the buying from Europe and importing. If you are buying a tube you can get a better price singles are expensive. Obviously the more you buy the more you save.

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Silver prices before the hype Empty Re: Silver prices before the hype

Wed Sep 08, 2021 7:19 am
Firstly welcome,

I understand where your going with this and the short answer would be yes. 

I would expect to see Maples , ASE's  & Britannias for £24-26 per oz. 
But that is the easy answer. Sadly dealers have been hit with the high prices too. So they would have bought thousands of oz at a premium.  Some more than others. 
This gets passed onto the consumer as your aware. 
But then comes ANOTHER aspect, consumer purchasing.  As it is very low at the moment, and even harden stickers have not been buying alot, ( like me just Collectables ) means these sit on the shelves unsold despite dealers loosing money and selling them at or under the cost. 
If you flip ( buy & sell ) coins you as a small individual can usually make a huge profit if you do it right. Dealers hedge there nets on long term and the bulk buying is insane.  

Final note and possible forecast.  I think you will start noticing dealers having ( SALES ) very soon. I have a feeling they will have to cut some losses and offload some items to make room for the New 2022 coins being released as we speak.

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Silver prices before the hype Empty Re: Silver prices before the hype

Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:23 am
Thanks for the replies and knowledge.
Actually didn't occur to me that they would want to get rid of old stock soon, with the 2022 coin releases so thats a good shout.

Also I notice bullion dealers like atkinsons and ats don't have much variety to their listings on the sites that are in stock, especially ATS their silver listings, most are out of stock, . Is this always the case with listings showing out of stock? (pre 2020, without trouble with mines etc)
Atkinsons to me doesn't show many silver coins available, they just have the main coins from different mints like ase, brits, maples, kangaroos really
Doesn't appear to have alot of variety on silver coins available here in the UK from these main bullion dealers?

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Location : England UK

Silver prices before the hype Empty Re: Silver prices before the hype

Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:33 am
I think Atkinsons must have a contract with the Royal Mint. That's all they are really selling now, and if it is true it would mean they would be most at risk of these price changes. I see they are trying to sell Britannias etc at very low prices. Ie at cost or a loss. This would be because they would have an obligation to buy & sell X amount of products yearly.

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