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If You Have Issues Ordering From Koin Club Empty If You Have Issues Ordering From Koin Club

Thu Sep 09, 2021 1:46 pm
Those of you that know me will know I have documented several times about mess ups when ordering from Koin Club.
The latest being a 1 ounce 007 coin showing in stock but when I ordered it they emailed me to say it was held up at customs and would be an 8 month wait for delivery. Luckily this was just an admin error and I now have the coin.

Should anyone else have issues ordering from Koin Club or delivery issues ping me a message. I have the email address for their head of customer service and she has given me the OK to pass it on to anyone having issues.

One issue people are experiencing is since the new site went live this past weekend it is not recognizing some people who had accounts on the previous site. 
This is an error on the system they are using and if you reregister it will still pick up your old account details. I was concerned as I have two subscriptions with them, but registering again it brought them up.

Please only ask for the email for serious queries and not just anything as she has given us this to help us.


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