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Posts : 3782
Join date : 2021-05-08
Location : England UK

When the stuff hits the fan. Empty When the stuff hits the fan.

Tue Oct 12, 2021 7:43 pm

Ok I am SAFE

But I did 3 pours today.... on the last one ( which failed in more ways than 1 ) I had about a oz of silver in my crucible which is about a teaspoons worth of liquid molten metal.

When after 5 hours of constant use with one graphite crucible it decided to blow out as I was holding it in the air going towards the furnace which was already turned off.

Well... I got Menhune's pour done... that looks good. I know someone on here might like it.

I got 2 of the 4 xmas decorations done. But the last flask with the investment in failed .... really bad. It looks like the wax came detached from the spru, so yes... total failure.

Anyway I bit the bullet and I have ordered and paid for a new furnace. Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect

All donations kindly appreciated ... I accept 50 pound notes lol! lol! lol!

well that is me buggered now for a while. No shopping any time soon. But I have a new Kiln coming. Horrah... I can actually do something and it wont take hours!!!!

Hopefully I can sent this off to be serviced and repaired. But I lost all trust in it.
oh I never really explained... it was taking ages to heat up.... you cant keep your crucible in that long.
And it never really go to temp.

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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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Location : UK

When the stuff hits the fan. Empty Re: When the stuff hits the fan.

Tue Oct 12, 2021 8:08 pm
Well, they say bad things come in threes - I should smash a plate or something.
Glad you're ok.

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Location : England UK

When the stuff hits the fan. Empty Re: When the stuff hits the fan.

Tue Oct 12, 2021 8:17 pm
The Cat's Mother wrote:Well, they say bad things come in threes - I should smash a plate or something.
Glad you're ok.

Forget you smashing a plate... I am going to smash all of mine!!!! lol!

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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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Location : UK

When the stuff hits the fan. Empty Re: When the stuff hits the fan.

Tue Oct 12, 2021 8:23 pm
I suppose you could eat like a horse in that case.

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Posts : 3782
Join date : 2021-05-08
Location : England UK

When the stuff hits the fan. Empty Re: When the stuff hits the fan.

Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:13 am
The Cat's Mother wrote:I suppose you could eat like a horse in that case.


Well finally some good news.
I contacted the company who I am a " authorised distributor for " and they are sending me a free crucible (£32 worth)
And they will also take back my furnace and repair it for a small fee. Which in my book is great. I will have 2 fully functioning 100oz furnaces and one 33 oz furnace ... that with my table furnace... yep I am happy. It has cost me a arm but I still have both legs. Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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