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Have you bought  Empty Have you bought

Fri Dec 03, 2021 4:46 pm
Has anyone bought the Malta knights of the past coin.
If so how do you rate it , is it worth the huge premium over spot price . I keep looking at it on silver trader and can’t press the buy button , is it a round or bullion coin it does state 5 euro on it .
It’s a collaboration between the bank of Malta and the Germania mint so does
that not make it a round ?
The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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Join date : 2021-05-19
Location : UK

Have you bought  Empty Re: Have you bought

Fri Dec 03, 2021 6:00 pm
I haven't bought it because the premium is way too much for something I didn't love, as I'm not looking to flip it. I agree it's an attractive coin, but the subject matter doesn't move me and I'm saving my cash for the next Germania Beast.
I think it's a coin. It has a currency denomination, €, issued on behalf of the Central Bank of Malta who issue Malta's currency. The manufacturer doesn't matter.
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