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Join date : 2021-05-08
Location : England UK

Bhutan Year of the Tiger.  Empty Bhutan Year of the Tiger.

Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:07 pm
The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
Posts : 3610
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Location : UK

Bhutan Year of the Tiger.  Empty Re: Bhutan Year of the Tiger.

Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:54 pm
Great video  @Admin . My coin arrived this morning, so I was watching at the same time as looking at the actual coin. I love the series and have been collecting them. They are still out there for those who are smitten but, as you said, the Monkey is in hiding.
It isn't the only lunar set I am collecting, but it is the one I cherish.
Incidentally, was that your cat I heard at the end of the video? Maybe it's worried by having a tiger in the house.  Bhutan Year of the Tiger.  1f42f    Bhutan Year of the Tiger.  1f640

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Posts : 3679
Join date : 2021-05-08
Location : England UK

Bhutan Year of the Tiger.  Empty Re: Bhutan Year of the Tiger.

Thu Dec 16, 2021 1:21 pm
The Cat's Mother wrote:Great video  @Admin . My coin arrived this morning, so I was watching at the same time as looking at the actual coin. I love the series and have been collecting them. They are still out there for those who are smitten but, as you said, the Monkey is in hiding.
It isn't the only lunar set I am collecting, but it is the one I cherish.
Incidentally, was that your cat I heard at the end of the video? Maybe it's worried by having a tiger in the house.  Bhutan Year of the Tiger.  1f42f    Bhutan Year of the Tiger.  1f640

OMG Yes I ended the video quickly because it wanted to go out. And I was not prepared to re-do another segment of the video so I left her meows in and wrapped it up quickly. 

Typical Cats!
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