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Location : South Wales

Chiwoo Cheonwang Box Empty Chiwoo Cheonwang Box

Tue Apr 26, 2022 5:28 pm
I recently received my new Chiwoo Cheonwang Box from Jon, (purchased here on the forum) and I'd like to inform you that I am delighted with it. It is light, compact, and holds the coins securely with neodymium magnets which are more than adequate for the job. I was amazed and surprised how thin the box is and holds 12 coins, 6 in each layer. Not much taller than two coins stacked on top of each other.  And the design on the lid sets it off perfectly.
I will be getting more of these for my other collections, and can recommend them to other forum members. I haven't seen them advertised anywhere else, so these could be unique to the Precious Metal Forum members only?  COOL  Cool

Chiwoo Cheonwang Box 20220410
Chiwoo Cheonwang Box 20220411

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m&m prospecting
m&m prospecting
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Chiwoo Cheonwang Box Empty Re: Chiwoo Cheonwang Box

Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:05 pm
Really cool i might need to get one but they are tailored for the foreign coins arnt they

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Location : England UK

Chiwoo Cheonwang Box Empty Re: Chiwoo Cheonwang Box

Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:28 pm
Thank you  @Fortune8 and yes they are just for the forum 

And  @m&m prospecting Not at all. These can be made for any collection from US Eagles to Maples etc. I am only working on designing the boxes for premium collections at the moment.

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m&m prospecting
m&m prospecting
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Location : Deer lodge Tn.

Chiwoo Cheonwang Box Empty Re: Chiwoo Cheonwang Box

Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:14 pm
Ok sounds awesome I'll keep it in mind thank you

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Chiwoo Cheonwang Box Empty Re: Chiwoo Cheonwang Box

Thu Apr 28, 2022 1:44 pm
Those are really sharp. I'd love to snag this Chiwoo case, but imagine the shipping over the Atlantic would be a bit much for me.

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Location : South Wales

Chiwoo Cheonwang Box Empty Re: Chiwoo Cheonwang Box

Thu Apr 28, 2022 2:10 pm
@SilverAge3 I don't think they would be too bad actually, they are quite light, and well worth having?
If you contact Admin. you could PM him from here, he will let you know if it's possible and give you an idea of the cost.
I'm stoked with mine.

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Location : England UK

Chiwoo Cheonwang Box Empty Re: Chiwoo Cheonwang Box

Thu Apr 28, 2022 6:06 pm
SilverAge3 wrote:Those are really sharp. I'd love to snag this Chiwoo case, but imagine the shipping over the Atlantic would be a bit much for me.
I ship worldwide. 

Shipping is Cheap and not as you would expect. I do not think that a box would be much more expensive than shipping within the UK. Yes I know ...  I ship the Giveaways, and I ( under AceBullion ) have shipped Kilo bars and many MUCH heavier items around the globe. 

So fear not. where about are you and I can tell you a approx. cost for shipping. The Chiwoo box will have to be in the next batch.
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