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Celtic Lore Series. Don't Panic Over Spot Price!!!  Empty Celtic Lore Series. Don't Panic Over Spot Price!!!

Fri Jul 29, 2022 12:26 pm

Celtic Lore Series. Don't Panic Over Spot Price!!!  Empty Re: Celtic Lore Series. Don't Panic Over Spot Price!!!

Fri Jul 29, 2022 7:30 pm
I commented on Youtube that these are niche and probably not paying much over bullion price for...

But then I just saw  @The Cat's Mother's thread on the Pobjoy Pegasus, and  @Fortune8 said they (these Celtics) should do well. I am starting to think that I am both badly uninformed about these rarer/hardly known, coins and have no connection to collectors who would pay a decent premium for them.

The only ones I have that I know are generally popular or could garner a good premium are some very rare Disney and the Chinese Dollar restrikes...

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