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Join date : 2021-05-25
Location : England UK

Well I had to do it Empty Well I had to do it

Sun Aug 21, 2022 3:37 pm
I know it's been too long.

I have arranged for my silver to be picked up tomorrow and sent to the Assay office in Edinburgh.

I even took my 3 5oz bars & 1 10 oz bar off my website to ensure I met the weight.

So now I wait and make more stuff

Well I had to do it 20220814
Well I had to do it 20220813

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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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Location : UK

Well I had to do it Empty Re: Well I had to do it

Sun Aug 21, 2022 3:58 pm
It's a bit like Santa in reverse. Just over four months now! Ho, Ho, Ho santa I might have my new passport back by then, who knows.
Incidentally, are we doing a Secret Santa again?

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Well I had to do it Empty Re: Well I had to do it

Sun Aug 21, 2022 7:52 pm
The Cat's Mother wrote:It's a bit like Santa in reverse. Just over four months now! Ho, Ho, Ho santa I might have my new passport back by then, who knows.
Incidentally, are we doing a Secret Santa again?


I loved that last one. 

We will all need to start putting our names down and the terms again. 

IE 1oz min.... and nothing too expensive either!!! 

So that everyone can be assured at least 1oz of silver.... or a collectable oz/ coin

And no one will feel guilty for something that is too expensive.
The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
Posts : 3608
Join date : 2021-05-19
Location : UK

Well I had to do it Empty Re: Well I had to do it

Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:12 pm
Right, come October I'll get the ball rolling: as before, entries by 31st Oct. and pretty much the same rules as before. We can discuss in detail before it goes live. Bring it on!

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