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Have PayPal lost the plot? Empty Have PayPal lost the plot?

Wed Feb 22, 2023 8:43 pm
I am ready to request that every nation aims nukes at the the paypal headquarters.

Seriously WTF is going on?

I am talking about my claim for that Arbe Kaya Cast. I gave them all the information and they confirmed it is a FAKE as per the Manufactures letter thankfully.

BUT they want me to ship a 50+ kilo Crated item to China ( note the address is not the same as where it came from as to where they want it to go ) with a tracked delivery at MY cost!!


I am at the brink that I might go to my credit card company ( yes I paid on CC ) THANKFULLY ... and enquire about a section 75

Apparently it has been escalated to the PET team in PayPal. WTF is that team I do not know.

But the facts are this.

: Item confirmed FAKE
: You can not ship this item via Fedex, usps, DHL etc ( no company will take it because it is a counterfeit item! )
: I am not paying for this!
: PayPal started a claim which cancelled my buyers protection on Ebay.
: PayPal are not honouring their own Buyers protection.
: No one wants to see me mad!

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