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21C Bullion
21C Bullion
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Is there a limit to the size of your stack? Empty Is there a limit to the size of your stack?

Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:38 pm
My silver stack is 140 oz, do you carry on till 250, 500, 1000 oz?

Is there a point where you stop and start stacking gold instead?

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Is there a limit to the size of your stack? Empty Re: Is there a limit to the size of your stack?

Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:54 pm
I have no idea how much I have, if I like it I buy it

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The Cat's Mother
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Is there a limit to the size of your stack? Empty Re: Is there a limit to the size of your stack?

Sun Jun 25, 2023 3:21 pm
I'm much the same as @tray . I collect the coins and rounds that I like, and quite a few of them have high premiums so hardly stacking. There are also discrete series, which I collect to the end. I have a list of what I have, and if I had the time and inclination I could work out how many ounces I have, but it's not fundamental to me. The 2oz and 10oz QBs are 132oz in total per set, and they are a fairly small part. Not got many other 10 ouncers though.
Gold would make more sense to stack, but with the silver I get more bang for my buck and I see them as miniature works of art rather than semi-liquid assets.

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Is there a limit to the size of your stack? Empty Re: Is there a limit to the size of your stack?

Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:46 pm
I have 25.5 ounces of silver. Definitely not a stacker.
The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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Is there a limit to the size of your stack? Empty Re: Is there a limit to the size of your stack?

Sun Jun 25, 2023 7:52 pm
Periodic Table wrote:I have 25.5 ounces of silver. Definitely not a stacker.

Size isn't everything, Steve. It's quality that counts.

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Is there a limit to the size of your stack? Empty Re: Is there a limit to the size of your stack?

Sun Jun 25, 2023 8:42 pm
It depends on the reason behind your stacking. Is it wealth preservation? Is it for a rainy day? Your retirement fund? Part of a diversified portfolio of financial assets? Only you can answer these questions.

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Is there a limit to the size of your stack? Empty Re: Is there a limit to the size of your stack?

Mon Jun 26, 2023 1:30 pm
Hi @21C Bullion. I recall reading somewhere (can't remember where) that silver should make up 30% of your stack. I couldn't tell you why though. @Admin might know Smile Or I could be totally wrong!

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Is there a limit to the size of your stack? Empty Re: Is there a limit to the size of your stack?

Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:28 am
I am not getting into how much I have but it gets to a point that ( well in my case ) I have to have it physically vaulted with a company in London... I can and have taken physical possession of my exact pieces I put in.... But it comes at a cost.


Gold ideally should be part of your stack. What ratio is unknown. If you have 100oz of silver. You should have in my opinion 1oz of gold at least.

Saying that I am moving to Platinum and Gold more and more. Although I am collecting collectable silver.. I am buying more and more gold.

My stack in both are important... But for my family. And do not buy into this BS nonsense some spew about fractional Gold being not worth it.
I was buying Fractional gold only a few years ago at less than £100 per coin.. Now its more than doubled.. So ignore some simple minded people who say otherwise. I can even show recipes of these.

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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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Is there a limit to the size of your stack? Empty Re: Is there a limit to the size of your stack?

Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:37 am
@Admin , I'd love to see a recipe involving gold coins. lol!  I know gold leaf is used to decorate food, but this opens up a whole new chapter in conspicuous consumption.

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Is there a limit to the size of your stack? Empty Re: Is there a limit to the size of your stack?

Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:50 am
I have some packets of sheets of silver leaf for cake decoration, I bought from Morrisons years ago.

I don't know if they are making a good profit or not?

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Is there a limit to the size of your stack? Empty Re: Is there a limit to the size of your stack?

Wed Jun 28, 2023 8:44 am
The Cat's Mother wrote:@Admin , I'd love to see a recipe involving gold coins. lol!  I know gold leaf is used to decorate food, but this opens up a whole new chapter in conspicuous consumption.


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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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Is there a limit to the size of your stack? Empty Re: Is there a limit to the size of your stack?

Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:31 am
Admin wrote:
The Cat's Mother wrote:@Admin , I'd love to see a recipe involving gold coins. lol!  I know gold leaf is used to decorate food, but this opens up a whole new chapter in conspicuous consumption.


Love you too dearie.  Is there a limit to the size of your stack? 1f63b  Is there a limit to the size of your stack? 1f63b

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