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Nanocluster discovery will protect precious metals!!! Empty Nanocluster discovery will protect precious metals!!!

Tue Aug 17, 2021 2:26 pm
Nanocluster discovery will protect precious metals!!!
‘Scientists have created a new type of catalyst that will lead to new, sustainable ways of making and using molecules and protect the supply of precious metals.....
A research team from the University of Nottingham have designed a new type of catalyst that combines features that are previously thought to be mutually exclusive and developed a process to fabricate nanoclusters of metals on a mass scale.

Catalysts enable nearly 80 percent of industrial chemical processes that deliver the most vital ingredients of our economy, from materials (such as polymers) and pharmaceuticals right through to agrochemicals including fertilizers and crop protection. The high demand for catalysts means that global supplies of many useful metals, including gold, platinum and palladium, are become rapidly depleted. The challenge is to utilize each-and-every atom to its maximum potential. Exploitation of metals in the form of nanoclusters is one of the most powerful strategies for increasing the active surface area available for catalysis. Moreover, when the dimensions of nanoclusters break through the nanometre scale, the properties of the metal can change drastically, leading to new phenomena otherwise inaccessible at the macroscale
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Nanocluster discovery will protect precious metals!!! Empty Re: Nanocluster discovery will protect precious metals!!!

Tue Aug 17, 2021 3:11 pm
Interesting, Technology keeps improving and the recovery rate for all metals being recycled are amazing.
I refine my own precious metals but clearly not to this standard. Just so amazing.

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Age : 59
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Nanocluster discovery will protect precious metals!!! Empty Re: Nanocluster discovery will protect precious metals!!!

Tue May 03, 2022 1:35 pm
I would like to know more on this, guess its time to hit Google... 🙂

Many thanks for the heads-up Matey...

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