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Palladium - Argor-Heraeus 5 Gram Wafer Bar Empty Palladium - Argor-Heraeus 5 Gram Wafer Bar

Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:15 pm
Since the price of palladium dropped like a rock from 2022, I decided to purchase my first palladium piece. The first thing I noticed is that this wafer is thicker than the 5-gram platinum wafers I have. Being less dense and having a lower melting point than platinum, I can see why auto manufacturers like palladium.

Developments in the hydro sector will most likely see palladium playing an important part at some point.

Palladium - Argor-Heraeus 5 Gram Wafer Bar Img20257
Palladium - Argor-Heraeus 5 Gram Wafer Bar Img20258
Posts : 3581
Join date : 2021-05-08
Location : England UK

Palladium - Argor-Heraeus 5 Gram Wafer Bar Empty Re: Palladium - Argor-Heraeus 5 Gram Wafer Bar

Sat Oct 28, 2023 11:45 am
I have talked to a few people regarding Palladium.

And it is one that i have NOT touched. I see the attractive side. and I agree regarding the prices. And I think it will shoot up once this war with Russia and Ukraine is over. BUT who buys it? I have not tested or seen resale values on this online or anywhere that accepts it apart from Baird and Co .


Palladium - Argor-Heraeus 5 Gram Wafer Bar Empty Re: Palladium - Argor-Heraeus 5 Gram Wafer Bar

Sat Oct 28, 2023 1:44 pm
Admin wrote:I have talked to a few people regarding Palladium.

And it is one that i have NOT touched. I see the attractive side. and I agree regarding the prices. And I think it will shoot up once this war with Russia and Ukraine is over. BUT who buys it? I have not tested or seen resale values on this online or anywhere that accepts it apart from Baird and Co .

I'm not branching out with this metal. It's more like a twig that sprouted from my growing branch of precious metals. Here in the States, the thought of when and where to sell this wafer doesn't worry me. Right now, I'm enjoying the overall experience.
Posts : 3581
Join date : 2021-05-08
Location : England UK

Palladium - Argor-Heraeus 5 Gram Wafer Bar Empty Re: Palladium - Argor-Heraeus 5 Gram Wafer Bar

Sun Oct 29, 2023 10:57 am
Periodic Table wrote:
Admin wrote:I have talked to a few people regarding Palladium.

And it is one that i have NOT touched. I see the attractive side. and I agree regarding the prices. And I think it will shoot up once this war with Russia and Ukraine is over. BUT who buys it? I have not tested or seen resale values on this online or anywhere that accepts it apart from Baird and Co .

I'm not branching out with this metal. It's more like a twig that sprouted from my growing branch of precious metals. Here in the States, the thought of when and where to sell this wafer doesn't worry me. Right now, I'm enjoying the overall experience.

I get it, and I think it is a wise choice , The same as having platinum . I enjoy the collecting of it, but I know I should put more into gold ... but still just incase.

Palladium - Argor-Heraeus 5 Gram Wafer Bar Empty Re: Palladium - Argor-Heraeus 5 Gram Wafer Bar

Sun Oct 29, 2023 1:42 pm
Admin wrote:I get it, and I think it is a wise choice. The same as having platinum . I enjoy the collecting of it, but I know I should put more into gold ... but still just incase.

Based on estimated market caps, I'm totally with you on gold.

Gold 13,304 Trillion
Silver  1,308 Trillion
Bitcoin 675.72 Billion
Platinum 222.85 Billion
Palladium 198.18 Billion
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