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independent adjudicators wanted Empty independent adjudicators wanted

Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:11 am
I am looking for at least 1 if not 2 people who can report back to me and the Mod team to verify that the giveaway entries are genuine and correct.

I could do this alone but feel it will add value and reassure people.

If anyone is interested please let me know. If you do take on the role I will ask you to look at the entries and see if they have met the requirements.
If there are 2 people please share your findings with the other person. Then you can share with the Mod team.

Finally if someone has not met the criteria, please can you do your best to ensure they do before the time is up. I do not want anyone disqualified if they miss out on a simple step. affraid

Thank you. Please leave your comments below. I appreciate it. This will only be for this draw. So the next draw we can have some rotation if there are a lot of interest.


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