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Todays Short Livestream.  Empty Todays Short Livestream.

Fri Oct 15, 2021 2:53 pm
I think you will find it very interesting.

I showcase some things you might not have seen yet... Infact I know no one has seen a few.

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Todays Short Livestream.  Empty Re: Todays Short Livestream.

Fri Oct 15, 2021 6:38 pm
Amazing, wow!!!

An incredible set of pours and just a shame about the dear ele's foot as it is otherwise perfect Smile

I'm certain it will still be fantastic and have lots of admirers and be snapped us asap, but I agree, for Menehune 'the master' worth pouring rush for him as he is a perfectionist (to the point of ridiculousness - in the best way!).

Splendid work Jon!!! elephant elephant elephant

Todays Short Livestream.  Empty Re: Todays Short Livestream.

Fri Oct 15, 2021 7:19 pm
I don't think most people know what incredible animals elephants are (?). At some point I'd like to share an elephant story with a happy ending, about a tragic and life-threatening situation a baby African ele was found in ('thanks' to trappers) and how she was rescued by a charity, and now lives a wonderful life with her adoptive family of fellow rescuees.

Here is just a really cute 'taster' that was posted today - an elephant with an elephant-shaped umbrella!!! <3

Posts : 592
Join date : 2021-05-25
Location : England UK

Todays Short Livestream.  Empty Re: Todays Short Livestream.

Fri Oct 15, 2021 10:49 pm
That was very heart-warming . Lovely Mum and baby elephant

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Todays Short Livestream.  Empty Re: Todays Short Livestream.

Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:37 am
AceBullion wrote:5hat was very heartwarming . Lovely Mum and baby elephant

Khanyisa the baby albino elephant here is an orphan! The whole 'herd' are rescued elephants!

Khanyisa was found with horrific injuries from a trap after days as a baby wandering injured and alone in the wild, and very very slowly nursed back to health before slowly being introduced to her adoptive herd. It's a very heartwarming story, to see her accepted after fighting back from such a life-threatening situation was very emotional. Now look at the care her adoptive sister shows for her!

She's still a baby being nursed so sleeps in the nursery with her best friend Lammie (a lamb) and meets the rest of the tribe every morning.

Here she gets scared being left alone and calls for her new family:

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