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The Dreaded Dentist.  Empty The Dreaded Dentist.

Wed Jan 12, 2022 9:38 am
Well there are not many things in life I am scared of, but the dentist is one of them. 
I have a huge phobia, and just typing this is scary. I am off to go and see mine for some work that will make me Speechless! LOL 

True but only for a day, I hope. 

The only other thing I am afraid of if you haven't guessed is  @The Cat's Mother


Well my checklist is done, Video is already made this morning, Just needs to be edited when I come home. And that is it. Really I am terrified! But I know it needs to be done. DOH Dang teeth.

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The Dreaded Dentist.  Empty Re: The Dreaded Dentist.

Wed Jan 12, 2022 10:47 am
Well I give up. I fought my nerves and getting sick numerous times,  then I finally was able to get in my Jeep.  
The dang battery was / is dead! 

I give up! I chickened out and phoned the practice and said just charge me. I will call if I need urgent care. I really give up! 3rd time I had to cancel and all genuine reasons! But my anxiety is all over the place  

It is soo annoying! You can't control your body or its reactions.
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The Dreaded Dentist.  Empty Re: The Dreaded Dentist.

Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:03 am
Always fun but unnerving for sure to have a bad tooth lol

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The Dreaded Dentist.  Empty Re: The Dreaded Dentist.

Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:26 am
No fun my pal.. We all have phobias.. Hope you get it sorted.. 😁👌
The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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The Dreaded Dentist.  Empty Re: The Dreaded Dentist.

Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:34 am
Not good at all. There may be desensitising (or whatever they're called) courses available to help with the phobia. Would you be able to have an examination, with a promise that the dentist won't do anything other than tell you if anything is needed? At least then you would have either an all clear or a warning.

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The Dreaded Dentist.  Empty Re: The Dreaded Dentist.

Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:18 pm
Thanks everyone, 
I can say that I have never liked the dentist, but after a BIG mess up I had anxiety since. But recently it has developed into something MUCH worse. 
I feel like a wimp! But to be clear, when you literally fall to your knees being sick, and your body prevents you leaving the house it is crazy! 

I wont go into details, but I pushed past that barrier today and went out. I got to my car and went to start it. But the battery was dead! I was soo and am soo annoyed. 
I was ready in my mind or so I thought, and got very very angry to say the least. I waited 10 minutes and called the surgery. They were fantastic and more than understanding but I feel and felt stupid. 

I then had my adrenaline rush stop and again was sick. WHY!!!!! After that settled I am now back to myself but feeling STUPID. I know there is nothing to fear. I have had operations after ops and it is soo silly. I know I need the treatment. As I said long story, but argh. I told them to just bill me and at the moment ( yes this is a stupid thing to say ) but if I need to I have plyers and will sort myself out! God knows I have enough medications to stop any pain. 

But this is crippling and it is something I have NEVER experienced in my life. WOW your body doesn't half do some silly things. And I tried breathing, calming myself down. Repeating there is nothing to fear but fear itself. I got to the Jeep for god sake!!!! Then this slapped me in the face. Oh well. I do feel like a child. and am highly embarrassed. I thought when I wrote this that I was being brave, and it was one way I used at the time to help convince myself to go.
The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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The Dreaded Dentist.  Empty Re: The Dreaded Dentist.

Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:30 pm
Is there someone who could go with you, if that would help? Maybe even get the doctor to prescribe a tranquiliser to take before you go.

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