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Silver and silver plated objects  Empty Silver and silver plated objects

Wed Aug 03, 2022 4:49 pm
I was chatting with a friend who attended a work colleagues retirement last day  in their workplace and some the gifts the staff gave him as farewell presents included an engraved silver letter opener and a silver plated glasses case.

It made think about the various silver plated items we have at home such as a silver plated drinks tray and a silver plated picture frame.
Is there much scrap value to these items? I’m assuming the plating is as thin as possible?
Likewise I was once offered some of the royal mint gold plated royal family coins but I couldn’t see the attraction.
I take it the gold plating is minimal as the coins where only £2 each ?

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Location : Northamptonshire

Silver and silver plated objects  Empty Re: Silver and silver plated objects

Wed Aug 03, 2022 6:38 pm
I can pick up silver plated flatware at carboot sales for pennies. They are worth very little. But, they can still look nice, be functional and polish up well.

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Silver and silver plated objects  Empty Re: Silver and silver plated objects

Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:24 pm
There is lovely flatware available and some of it has great silver content!

The problem is how to recover the silver in a way that's (presently) economically beneficial...

That's short term thinking though, long term as it can be had cheap (best be knowledgeable about hallmarks in the UK to pick up the bargains!) so if you have the extra funds and space, it's well worth stacking at bargain prices imo Smile

Silver and silver plated objects  Empty Re: Silver and silver plated objects

Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:27 pm
Sorry, left off the point that a lot of flatware can be lovely to have and use at home while being both a good value (out of fashion) buy and so got for less than it's worth Smile
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Silver and silver plated objects  Empty Re: Silver and silver plated objects

Wed Aug 03, 2022 8:15 pm
Let me be honest with you all...

Silver plated stuff is worthless. 

Gold plated also! although if it is gold plated onto genuine hallmarked Silver it is fine.   ( called selective gold plating ) 

The amount of silver you get.. YES I have the solutions to Gold plate, Rhodium, Silver and Copper plate items here   is silly. 

Not worth your money
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