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A special Gift from The Silver Trader Empty A special Gift from The Silver Trader

Wed Nov 23, 2022 12:54 pm
I have received 3 gifts, and no NOT wise men! That is a myth and we don't exist.  Shocked Smile  

So to make this Fair on everyone here is what will happen. 

On the day of the Giveaway Draw. 

I will draw a name from the list of people who entered the Secret Santa. One person will win one of these gifts... 

I will also draw one name for those who entered into the Giveaway. So hurry if you havent already. 

And I will draw the final person LIVE on my livestream. This will be done using a card like in previous giveaways. Warning it is a first to answer the right question gets that entry. 

So all in... All 3 prizes WILL be drawn and given away in time for Christmas. 

I hope you share and pass this onto everyone. 

PS I hate talking about Christmas before Thanksgiving..... I apologise but bah humbug.

Rod Panhard, denby, ilank14 and ArcaneCollector like this post

Posts : 95
Join date : 2021-09-30

A special Gift from The Silver Trader Empty Re: A special Gift from The Silver Trader

Sat Nov 26, 2022 2:08 am
Very generous of you!!

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