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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:25 pm
The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

In accordance with the time tested, no nonsense, ‘sure as hell’ ability, of ‘Zoned Out’ Musicians to accurately predict and encrypt into lyrics, the future price movements of precious metals: I introduce the ZOM Indicator.

I first became aware of it on a scorching August day in 1970 at the Isle of Wight music festival. It was 4:20 but don’t ask me which day, when I first met Bobby Nostradamus, a roadie with ‘the Doors’. 

We got talking over ‘tea & scones’. ‘hey kid’ he said – I was 18 he looked....
‘You know Jim (Morrison) loves Gold and Silver. I let you into a secret son, the more Gold or Silver, Jim wears on stage, that secretly indicates the price is going to rise. The less he wears, the price will drop! I was shocked!! 
Then he turned sideways and whispered in my ear – listen to the lyrics!! All these dudes –Bobby Dylan, Keith Richards, Hendrix – they all use coded references in their lyrics that point to directional movement in precious metals’

And with that he wandered off with a bowl of soup and some mayonnaise. 

Wow, did I find enlightenment in that moment. Since then I’ve used it Always in my trading.. I seek out those songs and squeeze them for deep analysis... 
So if you ever read ‘The Precious Metals Round Up’ then you will know I’m using the ZOM Indicator
Have a great day... Stay cool.😁👌 Merv
The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:56 pm
You mean 'High Ho Silver Lining' is full of arcane meaning if only we had the skill to interpret it???? 'AgAu Doo Doo Doo' too? And way back in history 'Das Rheingold' was showing us the primrose path. It could go further: is 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' really about the Stock Market, with porridge being what some traders get? If only I had known!
I think this week, we are better off using the Ice Cream Index - ICI has always been worth following.

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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:06 pm
Hi TCM. Exactly - youve got it. 😁👌 'Hi ho silver lining' is a well used Oscillator of price temperament.. You're an 'insider' 🤔 and 'Goldilocks and the three bears' exponential moving average - used a lot by the 'Sage of Omaha'. The 'Dropped Porridge' as he calls it... Maybe we collaborate on the 'Ice Cream Index' - you do all the work and I will taste the ice-cream. What you think?
The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:49 pm
It sounds like the story of my life!

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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Sun Jul 25, 2021 8:03 pm
Great - it's on then. 😁👌
The Cat's Mother
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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Sun Jul 25, 2021 8:27 pm
Fair enough - just don't let it melt.
We could also discuss the Cat's Bottom Index (CBI), a subject on which I am uniquely qualified to pontificate, and which produces exactly what you might expect.

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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:31 pm
Hi everyone - just a brief update on the ZOMI... I was talking to the 'Sage of O ma ha', this morning, as per usual and he said that although he loves it and uses it a lot - it needs updating by adding more 'weight' to the modern lyricist!!
Well even though he's a great friend, you just can't trust these amateurs.

So I've downloaded 225,000 lyrics from hip-hop, rap and grunge from the last decade and with 'The Cat's Mother's' approval will send them to her for analysis & backtesting to help with her C.B.I. I just now TCM will really really appreciate it... Its got to be to her taste... Just waiting on approval.....!!!

The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:47 pm
😾😳😔 I Don't think I got the approval 😒
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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Mon Jul 26, 2021 8:29 pm
225000 lyrics lol! Wow,,, I am not sure anyone could handle that many LOL

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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:22 pm
Bad news, I think the ZOMI has broken down. All the modern stuff has clogged up the mechanism. Shame or maybe it's drowning in apathy. Ah well I can try to repair it.. 😔😔😔
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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Jul 30, 2021 7:45 pm
Do you think that's a good idea? I mean you've let the cat's bottom out of the bag now, so to speak?
And all the while frantically re-writing all the lyrics to songs that took me years to learn in the first place.
I think I'll stick with the pin method, it works 50% of the time, now that's what I call consistency.

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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:45 pm
Pins are good to... Love them @Fortune8...Though I was listening into a precious metal commentator, broadcasting out of Winnemucca Nevadaan he unequivocally states that he has 'made big bucks' by Deciphering cryptic clues on 'Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Take Away'!!!
So I'm all ears for tomorrow night. Wish I'd known sooner😔🙄. But I'm getting all the transcripts and back testing. Then I will equate the algorithm before I go to bed.
Wish me luck. I'm excited!!! MERV

The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:52 pm
Hi everyone - ZOMI UPDATE
OK, so I’ve got this friend from the U.K. and he has been seconded to the ‘Sulphur Silver MatchStick Company’ headquarters in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia. A lot of Sulphur sickness over there and he regularly fills in.
He tells me that all the guys and girls in the factory are making a fortune trading Sulphur on the Mongolian Commodities Futures Markets!!!
One Mongolian guy called Philip (he is the leader of the assembly line – skillfully shaping and cutting the tiny slivers of wood, then passing them to the next worker, who sticks on and molds the Sulphur, then passes it to – you get the picture)

Any ways, Philip in his spare time has created a Quantum Harmonic Oscillator and he swears that price movements & trends can be deduced from a co-relationship with the yak racing results. He says his QHO has never let him down.
So, Philip is sending all the data to his cousin Erdene, who works in the logistics/supply department in Harrogate – ensuring a constant supply of the finest Teak and Mahogany is sent out to the Ulaanbaatar headquarters for the matches.
So naturally this exciting development has got me all excited and I’ve paid these guys lots of Gold and Silver to forward everything to me. Then I will back test the data and see if I can incorporate it into ZOMI..
Anyone want to help.. 😁👌
The Cat's Mother
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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:35 pm
I'd be happy to test out some new mahogany furniture - free of charge, naturally. I undertake to pass on data relating to the correlation of woodworm with the CB Index. Other worms by prior arrangement.

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Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:12 pm
Does involvement in any aspect of this venture, provide cast iron assurance that one will not end up with an unspecified term (eg a lifetime), in the sulphur mines?
Also there has been no indication of the actual level of participation, nor remuneration expectations?
Sorry to be a bit apprehensive, but I will need a little more information before I commit.

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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:11 pm
Ah man, I was counting on you sorting the data... you could make the Sulphur mines just part-time work, I will ask the lads... I get them to send you a brochure. 😁👌

The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:11 pm
To all you scoffers and doubters take a look at the following : using preliminary data from the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator created by my Mongolian friend I did a little bit of trading on the Mongolian Commodities Exchange and quess what.. BIG success 😜😜😜.
And I going to follow up with proof.. So there😋

The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:14 pm

Thank you for your recent trade on the Mongolian Commodities Exchange
We dispatch via Internet the remuneration. The Mongolian currency is the Tögrög,
Order no. 831589667342amdivc.
Sulphur buy @ 1706 Tögrög,
Sulphur: Sell @ 3089 Tögrög,
We have converted 2383 Tögrög, into your local Northern Ireland currency
Scan the picture below: at any Ulster Bank branch or Spar grocery chain.
Thank you for dealing with us. – Touser Estrogen – Head of International Trade
Picture to be uploaded.
The Cat's Mother
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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:14 pm
You mean, they let you buy a box of matches?

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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:15 pm
The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Img_2015

The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:17 pm
Hi TCM.. whose laughing now😜. I bet you jealous.. Nah, nah na nah... 😁😁😁
The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:22 pm
You're right, I am in awe at your acumen and commercial wizardry and wouldn't dare to follow in your footprints. Clearly sulphur is the place to be. Are you going to exchange it at the Ulster Bank or at Spar? Let us all know how you get on, o sage of Omagha.

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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:33 pm
Thank 'babe' 😁 now maybe you believe me... I'm going up to the local Spar. I've a good friend there. He trusts me. 🤔👌
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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:21 am
How long ago was he let out????

If for any reason he will not accept your obviously genuine note, I could offer you a part used box of "Swan Vesta'" for it, both pay our own postage?

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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals Empty Re: The ‘Zoned Out Musician Indicator’ - In precious metals

Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:04 am
I'll go halves with you, Lucky. Always wanted a picture of Mr. Bean Sidhe.

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