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King Kong Verse Godzilla  Empty King Kong Verse Godzilla

Fri May 21, 2021 1:49 pm

Fortune8 and Rod Panhard like this post

Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-05-08
Location : South Wales

King Kong Verse Godzilla  Empty Re: King Kong Verse Godzilla

Sat May 22, 2021 10:33 am
Great review, nice sound effects, but unfortunately the coins are not for me, they will probably appeal to many collectors though.

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Rod Panhard
Rod Panhard
Posts : 303
Join date : 2021-05-25

King Kong Verse Godzilla  Empty Re: King Kong Verse Godzilla

Tue May 25, 2021 10:47 am
I picked up these myself, I much prefer the Godzilla as I agree Kong looks more like Bigfoot. I'm surpised they never decided on a larger series as there are enough characters to get away with creating one, Mechagodzilla, Rodan etc.

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Posts : 3645
Join date : 2021-05-08
Location : England UK

King Kong Verse Godzilla  Empty Re: King Kong Verse Godzilla

Tue May 25, 2021 10:59 am
Welcome Rod,

I am surprised too, I don't know how popular it would be with fans having a lot of japan characters ( most probably haven't heard of ) but they could have made a series.

I suppose it was a movie promotion, and yes I too have the set. Very Happy

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