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Join date : 2022-06-05

1/4 oz coins  Empty 1/4 oz coins

Fri May 12, 2023 11:34 am
So i have finally purchased my first 1/4 oz coin, £7 from eBay.
It’s a 2025 Armenian Noah’s ark.

I have purchased it purely to use as a tester for my coin slide for when I buy other coins.

Do many mints still make 1/4 ounce coins in 2023?
If the price of silver goes over $30 an ounce and it settles at that price, it may become more common to see 1/4 ounce and 1/2 ounce coins?

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Location : England UK

1/4 oz coins  Empty Re: 1/4 oz coins

Fri May 12, 2023 12:51 pm
SanMarino wrote:So i have finally purchased my first 1/4 oz coin, £7 from eBay.
It’s a 2025 Armenian Noah’s ark.

I have purchased it purely to use as a tester for my coin slide for when I buy other coins.

Do many mints still make 1/4 ounce coins in 2023?
If the price of silver goes over $30 an ounce and it settles at that price, it may become more common to see 1/4 ounce and 1/2 ounce coins?

That seems too good to be true. Whilst most fractional coins are often valued much higher than a 1oz coin. However I will hold reservation because you might have got a great deal, I am sceptical about it to be honest.

And yes a few mints in America do make fractional coins, and they are becoming more popular as some people are not able to afford a 1oz coin. I know that might sound hard, but it is sadly true. Keep me informed and if it turns out to be a fake please let me destroy it in a video. I hope it is not for your sake though.

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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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1/4 oz coins  Empty Re: 1/4 oz coins

Fri May 12, 2023 1:07 pm
If it was a 2025 coin, it is too good to be true.

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1/4 oz coins  Empty Re: 1/4 oz coins

Sat Jun 24, 2023 9:34 am
Well it arrived after 3 weeks of pestering the seller

I must admit I was thinking it was too good to be true but the issue turned out to be the seller worked away all week and delayed posting for 5 days and then Yodel took 2 weeks to deliver it.

It’s real

I have weighed it, coin slide, etc and it’s legit.

It’s not in perfect condition but it’s ideal as a cheap coin tester

It even came with a capsule which is a bonus

It’s a 2016 despite being advertised as a 2015 although it’s so small it’s difficult to read

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Location : England UK

1/4 oz coins  Empty Re: 1/4 oz coins

Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:49 am
SanMarino wrote:Well it arrived after 3 weeks of pestering the seller

I must admit I was thinking it was too good to be true but the issue turned out to be the seller worked away all week and delayed posting for 5 days and then Yodel took 2 weeks to deliver it.

It’s real

I have weighed it, coin slide, etc and it’s legit.

It’s not in perfect condition but it’s ideal as a cheap coin tester

It even came with a capsule which is a bonus

It’s a 2016 despite being advertised as a 2015 although it’s so small it’s difficult to read

Bud that is SUPER news. Yodel are a pain in the back sides. I stay clear of them. The Main shipping company I use is Royal Mail Special Delivery. all my items I send are only by SD and insured... regardless of location. It is factored into my shop for UK customers.... but elsewhere there is a very small charge.. Mainly for insurance reasons.

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1/4 oz coins  Empty Re: 1/4 oz coins

Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:36 pm
Banco de México has been offering this lovely five-piece Libertad set (1 oz, 1/2, 1/4, 1/10, 1/20) The Coin Shoppe is sold out of the 2021 & 2022 sets so hopefully, they will get this year's set in soon.

1/4 oz coins  2022-m10
The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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1/4 oz coins  Empty Re: 1/4 oz coins

Sun Jun 25, 2023 7:49 pm
That is gorgeous @Periodic Table .

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1/4 oz coins  Empty Re: 1/4 oz coins

Mon Jun 26, 2023 1:25 pm
Very classy @Periodic Table Very Happy

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