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2 Coins by the EIC Empty 2 Coins by the EIC

Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:37 pm

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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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2 Coins by the EIC Empty Re: 2 Coins by the EIC

Mon Sep 26, 2022 1:37 pm
Hi  @Admin . Thanks for the shout out!  2 Coins by the EIC 1f638
The Japanese Trade Dollar is the third in the series, after the Chinese and the British. The US and French are still to come. On issue numbers, the previous two were 5,000 in BU and 1,000 in proof. I suspect the same might apply to this coin too, but I hesitate to contradict Martin - I've annoyed him enough for the present as it is.  2 Coins by the EIC 1f639
Yes, I am collecting this series, and also the previous series of Trade Dollar Restrikes. I hope to get the Japanese Trade Dollar soon, in both versions.

On Pegasus. I agree with you about the leather-look background, but it is a lovely picture of the 'oss. I didn't know it was planned to be a series though. An interesting fact about the designer, Jennie Norris, is that this is only her second coin design to be produced. Her first was the reverse of the 2021 American Eagle gold coin.

PS I enjoyed the video, and I agree with you about EIC coins. They are stupendous.

Admin, AceBullion and ArcaneCollector like this post

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