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m&m prospecting
m&m prospecting
Posts : 192
Join date : 2021-09-14
Age : 55
Location : Deer lodge Tn.

Silver reclamation  Empty Silver reclamation

Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:47 am
Has anyone on here ever recover silver and grown it from silver nitrate or stripped silverware to reclaim the silver

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Silver reclamation  Empty Re: Silver reclamation

Wed Jan 05, 2022 2:56 pm
m&m prospecting wrote:Has anyone on here ever recover silver and grown it from silver nitrate or stripped silverware to reclaim the silver
what your talking about is Precious metal refining. 

And Yes I do this bud, I gave a lot of tips to BackYard Scrapping on YouTube years ago. He does this on a regular basis. 

I do not offer tips anymore because the process is very dangerous. BUT I can help clear up anything your stuck on. 

The basics are you first need to refine any silver... This means a .925 spoon for instance, you will refine it to a liquid forum. 

then you bring it to a powder form. You then put it in a silver cell to further refine it as it will still have some base metals in it. 

after that you are pretty good. 

But please for PETES sake, be careful, your playing with extremely nasty and life threating chemicals. And one inhale could result in death!!! 

This is why I will NOT tell you how to, but can help if your stuck, and only on a cryptic basis.

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m&m prospecting
m&m prospecting
Posts : 192
Join date : 2021-09-14
Age : 55
Location : Deer lodge Tn.

Silver reclamation  Empty Re: Silver reclamation

Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:00 pm
I understand the process I've thought about the electrolysis process with salt and the just to try and smeltwhat are your thoughts if I smelt with Chapman's flux to reclaim

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m&m prospecting
m&m prospecting
Posts : 192
Join date : 2021-09-14
Age : 55
Location : Deer lodge Tn.

Silver reclamation  Empty Re: Silver reclamation

Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:02 am
Safe to say I've watched backyard and chemicals are not cheap and yes very dangerous

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Posts : 3792
Join date : 2021-05-08
Location : England UK

Silver reclamation  Empty Re: Silver reclamation

Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:31 am
m&m prospecting wrote:I understand the process I've thought about the electrolysis process with salt and the just to try and smeltwhat are your thoughts if I smelt with Chapman's flux to reclaim
That will not work. 

once you smelt the silver and try something like Flux ( Borax ) you are still hitting the same temperatures as CU and other metals. You might get some metal out but by no means the majority. 

You would have to go down the AR route for this to be effective.

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