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Join date : 2021-05-08
Location : England UK

World view? Empty World view?

Thu Mar 24, 2022 4:52 pm
With the increases we will all feel across the globe in every day living. Is anyone worried?

From my personal experience I can state that as a father of 2 I have already seen our bills climb. 
Our energy bills have risen by 50%  Shocked Now add the price of fuel which has risen by 50% ( more really ) and soon to follow bills like mobile phones, car insurance, etc. I know I have been tightening my spending a little bit.  Rolling Eyes

I know it is inflation, the war, Covid, and well the miss handling of funds globally which is causing so much chaos. But omg Are we really facing 1950's way of living in the UK? 

I know back in America that people have been robbing fuel, going to extreme measures to obtain fuel such as cutting the bottom of a van out. WOW

And in many parts of America poverty has been there for decades. I hate to think what impact this will cause to those areas? 

So tell me your thoughts. What are your feelings, opinions, and suggestions? 

I have been heavily investing in bullion for years but if no one could afford it what would happen. hmmm. 

Your thoughts ( not copied text or information about this subject please ) I want to hear your raw thoughts.
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