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Question about the forum  Empty Question about the forum

Sun Jun 05, 2022 11:03 am
Is there a part of he forum that talks about investing in mining companies be it discovery companies or production companies?

If so, can someone post a link or where I can find it?

I’m interested in investing in a company called Panther Metals who have prospective sites to explore in Canada but they list on the London stock exchange.
Wondering if anyone had an opinion on the company?
They hold 35% of a spin off company they created called Panther metals Australia who have had some decent discoveries.

If this sort of talk isn’t for this forum then please let me know.

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Question about the forum  Empty Re: Question about the forum

Mon Jun 06, 2022 4:47 am
SanMarino wrote:Is there a part of he forum that talks about investing in mining companies be it discovery companies or production companies?

If so, can someone post a link or where I can find it?

I’m interested in investing in a company called Panther Metals who have prospective sites to explore in Canada but they list on the London stock exchange.
Wondering if anyone had an opinion on the company?
They hold 35% of a spin off company they created called Panther metals Australia who have had some decent discoveries.

If this sort of talk isn’t for this forum then please let me know.

Welcome in to the forum  @SanMarino

We are currently not discussing mining companies on here due to the amount of spam that it seems to have attracted. I am not sure if anyone including myself is qualified to even hint or give a suggestion on investing into a gold mine. I am sure you will agree that there are plenty of people who are after the lockdown and watching countless hours of Gold Miners and X persons Lost Mines. 

We do have some members on here who are low key gold miners such as  @m&m prospecting to give you one name and another is  @CanadianGoldHunter

Both are working hard to extract gold but by no means a company nor trade on the stock market. I am sure both wish they were, and I wish them success. 

I noticed you came over from  @SilverTrader on here after watching one of my videos. Thank you. I do have another account under AceBullion for when I am not doing official Admin stuff. 

If anyone is qualified I am sure they will reply but for the most part we are keeping it slightly clear from mining only because we are being spammed by Anaconda mining and a few others. 

I hope that helps. Thank you and I look forward to reading more of your posts. PS interesting link on the subject of where is gold heading. Every view is welcomed as it gives a interesting point. Not just the ones we hope and want to hear. 

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