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Join date : 2021-07-25
Age : 73
Location : Scotland

Japan Mint, 1oz silver proof coins. Empty Japan Mint, 1oz silver proof coins.

Fri Apr 14, 2023 7:51 pm
How about radiation as a theme?

I have 3 beautiful coins from Japan, Fukushima, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, all with COA's and presentation boxes.
1000 yen coins

The obverse shows, snowflake crystals, the moon and cherry blossoms. Hope you like them. They are mirror finish proofs, not like RM.

£60 each, you pay postage or I will swap for a 1g gold minted bar from Swiss or German origin.

Japan Mint, 1oz silver proof coins. Img_2510
Japan Mint, 1oz silver proof coins. Img_2511
Japan Mint, 1oz silver proof coins. Img_2512

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