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Prices on silver up & down Empty Prices on silver up & down

Mon Aug 23, 2021 2:40 pm
When the price of silver was down, i was not aware of this. Until someone posted and reduced their prices of some silver bars. Can anyone recommend any links to any sites or how can we get alerts, for the increase or decrease in silver for the UK??

Thank you all 👍👍

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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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Prices on silver up & down Empty Re: Prices on silver up & down

Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:10 pm
Hello Jazz
A number of bullion dealers have this information on their websites. For example, Atkinsons have a chart of live gold and silver prices over the last week or so, updated every 60 seconds. Silvertrader has the daily price for silver, both by ozt and gram.
Hope this helps.

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Prices on silver up & down Empty Re: Prices on silver up & down

Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:13 pm
And 'Kitco' has a very extensive coverage of all precious metals. And there is a 'Weekly Round up' of precious metals on this site!!!
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Age : 31
Location : Leeds

Prices on silver up & down Empty Re: Prices on silver up & down

Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:48 pm
Thank you all much help 👋👋👍👍🙏🙏

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Prices on silver up & down Empty Re: Prices on silver up & down

Tue Aug 24, 2021 6:19 pm
I just had an alert saying that Gold is shooting back up. I am not sure what this will do with the silver prices. If it is short lived there will be little change, but if this is the start again it could trigger higher spot prices again.

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Prices on silver up & down Empty Re: Prices on silver up & down

Tue Aug 24, 2021 9:27 pm
Kitco, an excellent site, evaluates precious metals, base metals and oil to differentiate between price movement relevant to trader sentiment & U.S. Dollar changes.
“When the US Dollar gets stronger, it takes fewer dollars to buy any commodity that is priced in $USD. When the US Dollar gets weaker it takes more dollars to purchase the same commodity.
The price of all US Dollar denominated commodities, like gold, will change to reflect the fact that it will take fewer or more dollars to buy that commodity. So it’s quite possible, in fact it’s almost always the case that a portion of the change in the price of gold is really just a reflection of a change in the value of the US Dollar. Sometimes that portion is insignificant. But often the opposite is true where the entire change in the gold price is simply a mathematical recalculation of an ever-changing US Dollar value.
When the dollar gets strong, gold appears to go down, and vice versa. That accounts for part of the fluctuations that we see in the value of gold.
The other part is an actual increase in the supply or demand for gold. If the price is higher when being measured not only in US Dollars, but also in Euros, Pounds Sterling, Japanese Yen, and every other major currency, then we know the gold demand is higher and it has actually increased in value.”
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