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m&m prospecting
m&m prospecting
Posts : 192
Join date : 2021-09-14
Age : 55
Location : Deer lodge Tn.

Stacking silver Empty Stacking silver

Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:55 am
So do you like poured bars over coins which do you feel is better to hold on to stack

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The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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Stacking silver Empty Re: Stacking silver

Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:37 am
I'm not a stacker, but I like both coins and bars, and poured art pieces, depending on the quality and design. I have both in my fairly small collection, and I am happy with what I have even though I am unlikely to see a return considering the premiums paid. I enjoy collecting, and have 'met' some great people along the way.

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Stacking silver Empty Re: Stacking silver

Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:24 pm
As a stacker, I have mixed views. I like buying generic Silver and pieces I can easily sell quickly.
I do like 10oz bars again for quick selling, during the pandemic I sold ALL of my 10oz bars because the demand was there at a stupid price.
I do like my 100oz bars too. But those are not for sale.

As a collector I buy premium pieces such as the Simpsons collection and poured silver. HOWEVER. I have been very cautions lately over poured silver. As you know in the UK it is a legal requirement to have things hallmarked. As it is in Europe and Canada.

It wont stop me buying silver, but I have to really love it to not care about it being hallmarked. Because I could never sell it as Silver. I would have to legally say it is a white metal. Evil or Very Mad

But as for bars... I prefer them to be slabbed. Despite being hypocritical and selling 1 kilo bars and 10oz bars myself.

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