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m&m prospecting
m&m prospecting
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Join date : 2021-09-14
Age : 55
Location : Deer lodge Tn.

Stacking silver Empty Stacking silver

Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:03 pm
Does anyone think silver will ever move up in price or is it like pewter and nickle going nowhere

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Stacking silver Empty Re: Stacking silver

Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:26 pm
m&m prospecting wrote:Does anyone think silver will ever move up in price or is it like pewter and nickle going nowhere
I do, If you look back historically when I first started it has moved A LOT! 

Here is what I mean. 

15 years ago Silver was £6.52 per oz ( in USD $13,45 ) Per oz. 

there was a Spike in 2011 but then it fell significantly. 

Year after year it has gone up with the exception of 2008 when it took a dive following that massive rise. 

Currently it is £19.72 or ( $23.45 )

So if you started collecting and bought 100 oz in a year you would have at least $1000 return if you sold them at spot. 

But for the UK as the pound was high and then dropped... and despite tax, If you would have bought 100 oz 15 years ago and sold them at spot today, you would stand to make £ 1320  a much higher price than the US. 

Part of this is to do with the strength of the £ and $ and Euro 

I hope this helps. But the Spot metal price was the same for all of us .

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Stacking silver Empty Re: Stacking silver

Thu Apr 28, 2022 3:52 pm
would like to think itll move as inflation gets worse and we head closer and closer to Weimar 2.0

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m&m prospecting
m&m prospecting
Posts : 192
Join date : 2021-09-14
Age : 55
Location : Deer lodge Tn.

Stacking silver Empty Re: Stacking silver

Sat Apr 30, 2022 2:26 pm
Looks and sounds great I just hope your rite and it does go up I really hope it skyrockets

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Stacking silver Empty Re: Stacking silver

Sun May 08, 2022 4:33 pm
When I show friends or family a nice 1oz 999 (or 9999) coin they are staggered at how cheap they are.

I do believe that gold and silver are REAL money and are both undervalued just as that.

People talk about silver as an industrial metal, and there is that, but I think while it may be used less and less there, it will still always be important, and more highly regarded than it generally is today.

I don't mean this is any religious way as such but both gold and silver for me are 'God's Money'. And I think we will absolutely see that proven within all our lifetimes Smile
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